The butterfly swim stroke is truly magnificent when you see it done well. Unfortunately, those incidences are few and far between. The butterfly stroke is infamous for being hard to learn, and even harder to master. Many people struggle with keeping their head above the water and completing the stroke gracefully. It also requires a great deal of strength and impeccable timing in order to do right.
But if you put in the time, complete butterfly swimming drills, and really become an expert on the stroke, the butterfly stroke is a true thing of beauty. Besides being the most beautiful stroke, it’s also faster than many strokes, including the breaststroke and backstroke. And above all else, the butterfly stroke is fun. Once you’ve nailed the steps, you’ll love moving through the water like a dolphin at sea.
If you’re ready to learn how to do the butterfly swim stroke, check out our guide below.
The history of this stroke is a bit hazy, but most people credit Australian amateur swimming champion Sydney Cavill as the creator. The son of a swimming professor, Cavill eventually came to America to coach prominent swimmers at the Olympic Club in San Francisco. He invented the stroke sometime in his youth, in the early 1900s.
Swimmer Henry Myers brought the stroke to greater public awareness when he swam the stroke in a competition at the Brooklyn Central YMCA in 1933. University of Iowa swimming coach David Armbruster independently created the butterfly stroke in 1934, as a way to reduce the drag of the breaststroke. He coined this stroke as the butterfly stroke. University of Iowa swimmer Jack Sieg developed a kick to go along with the arm movement just one year later. Armbruster and Sieg combined these techniques to create the style we know today as the butterfly stroke.
The International Swimming Federation (FINA) recognized the stroke as its own swimming style in 1952, and the stroke was first used in the Olympics in 1956.
The butterfly stroke is an undulating motion that combines arm movement and a dolphin kick. The arm movement includes a pull, push, and recovery, while the dolphin kick involves a small kick followed by a bigger kick. You’ll take a breath at the end of the recovery phase, every few strokes. Here’s how to do the butterfly stroke:
As we mentioned before, the butterfly stroke is one of the most difficult to master, but is also one of the most rewarding and beautiful strokes known in swimming today. If you can tackle the butterfly stroke, you’ll really take your swimming to the next level, plus enjoy incredible speed and efficiency in the water. Here are some butterfly swimming drills to help you perfect the technique:
Need help mastering the butterfly stroke or other swim techniques? Hire an experienced swim instructor and start improving your skills today by contacting the experts at Swim Jim .
The post A Complete Guide to the Butterfly Stroke appeared first on Swim Jim.
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