Folks, Free Ways to Help Swim For Life Foundation Raise Much-Needed Funds. Now more than ever, smart shoppers are looking for ways to stretch every dollar. In these uncertain economic times, we all face hard choices as we plan for special occasions, holiday gifts, and charitable giving. With, you donít have to choose between buying something or sending a donation to the Swim For Life Foundation. Now you can buy the things you need, save money with exclusive iGive coupons and deals, and feel good knowing that a portion of each purchase benefits our organization. Just visit: Every time you shop at any of 700+ online stores in the iGive network, a portion of the money you spend benefits Swim For Life Foundation. It's a free service, and you'll never pay more when you reach a store through iGive. In fact, smart shoppers will enjoy iGive's repository of coupons, free shipping deals, and sales. To get started, just create your free iGive account. And when you search the web, do it through where each search means a penny (or more!) for our cause! Start iGiving at: or start you next web search at:
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