Safety Rules
1. Take swim lessons.
2 . Never swim alone.
. Swim only where there is qualified supervision. A supervisor should know:
a. CPR
b. First Aid
c. Rescue procedures
d. Have a cordless phone poolside.
. Never leave toys in or around the pool when not in use.
5 . Swim in pools where the water is clear and you can see the drain.
. Follow pool rules:
a. No glass containers.
b. Dive only in designated areas.
c. No running.
d. No eating or chewing gum while swimming.
e. Wear a swim suit.
7 . Use only Coast Guard approved flotation devices while boating and fishing. Do not substitute inflatable toys for adult supervision.
8 . If someone is in trouble, find something that will float to throw, or reach out to the person … if nothing is around, YELL WHILE RUNNING FOR HELP!
9 . Evacuate pool and deck at first signs of thunder or lightning.
. Use layered protection:
a. Fences surrounding pools.
b. Self closing, self latching gates.
c. Dead bolts on doors leading to the pool.
d. Weight-bearing pool covers.
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