Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim

Contact & Hours

Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim is proud of offer membership to all residents living in the Yorkshire Towers complex. By purchasing a membership, residents of 305-315 East 86th street will have access to the gym, pool, playroom, and steam rooms. Location in the basement level of the building and easily accessible via building elevators or stairs.

Email: ytfitness@swimjim.com

Phone:  (646) 351-6751

Regular Hours: 

Monday - Friday: 6:00am - 9:00pm

Saturday & Sunday: 9:00am - 6:00pm

Holiday Hours:

Thanksgiving Day - CLOSED

Christmas Eve - 10AM-4PM

Christmas Day - CLOSED

New Years Eve - 10AM-4PM

New Years Day - 10AM-4PM

Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day - 10AM-4PM

Membership Pricing

  • Adult Month to Month - $69.50/month
  • Adult Annual Paid in Full - $750.00/year
  • Spouse/Partner Month to Month - $59.50/month
  • Spouse/Partner Annual Paid in Full - $642.00/year
  • Child (2-17 years old) Month to Month - $35.00/month
  • Student (18-22 years old w/ valid student I.D.) Month to Month - $35.00/month
  • Senior Month to Month - $55.00/month
  • Senior Annual Paid in Full - $594.00/year

Facility Rules

  1. Appropriate athletic attire must be worn at all times.
  2. Wipe off machines with sanitary wipes before and after use.
  3. Always re-rack weights after use.
  4. Do not drop weights.
  5. No bags allowed on gym floor.
  6. Refrain from using cell phones in the workout areas.
  7. Cardio time must be limited to 30 minutes during peak hours (or when other members are waiting).
  8. No children under the age of 14 allowed in the gym areas.
  9. No members under the age of 14 allowed in the pool area without supervision.
  10. Proper use of equipment must be used at all times. If you are unsure of the proper use of the machine please feel free to ask a staff member for assistance.

Membership Policies


You must check in at the front desk on each facility visit by (1) scanning your Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim key tag barcode or using the (2) MemberMe+ app or (3) bringing in an original government issued photo ID. *Photo IDs can be an original driver's license, state ID, student ID, military ID or passport


The term of complimentary memberships is determined by the Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim leasing office. Once this term expires, this membership will automatically turn over into an auto-debit Adult or Shared Month-to-Month membership. Members must provide a credit or debit card at the time of enrolling for the complimentary membership.


Members eligible for student memberships must be between the ages of 12 & 22. For a student membership a valid id from an accredited college or university, must be presented at sign up and will be kept on file within members EZ Facility profile.



Any add-on to a membership must be a resident of Yorkshire Towers and reside in the same unit as the primary member. 


Members who are 65+ are eligible to join under the Senior membership plan.


Qualification and Notice Requirements: Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim will only freeze your membership if you are in good standing, you have all initiation fees paid, you are current on your monthly dues, you provide at least ten days’ notice for a freeze request to allow Yorkshire Towers by SwimJim to process your request, and you qualify for one of the three categories below: (Note: All Membership Freeze Requests must be emailed to YTFitness@SwimJim.com)

Medical Disability: You must provide Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim with verification from your physician stating your medical disability (including injury) will prevent you from using Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim facilities. The minimum term for a medical freeze is three months and the maximum is six months.

Active Duty Military Transfer or Extended Volunteer Assignment: You must provideYorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim with a copy of your transfer, deployment or extended volunteer assignment orders. There is no minimum or maximum for assignment freeze. If you request a specific freeze term less than six months, your membership and monthly Electronic Funds Transfer ("EFT") or credit card charge will automatically resume at the end of the specified time. If you request a specific freeze term greater than six months, or you do not specify a freeze term, you must contact Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim to reactivate.

Business/Leisure Travel/Temporary Employment Transfer: You must provide Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim with verification from your employer, on company letterhead, that you are being temporarily transferred. The location of your transfer must be more than 25 miles from Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim. The minimum term for a temporary employment transfer freeze is three months and the maximum freeze is six months.

Extended Freeze: As a courtesy to our members, Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim may approve or deny your request for an extended freeze for reasons other than those listed above. The maximum length of an extended freeze is 12 months. If Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim does not receive notification to reactivate or further extend your freeze within 12 months, your membership agreement will be terminated.

*Note: All freeze or reactivation requests must be emailed to YTFitness@SwimJim.com

Dues During Freeze: No further dues will be collected during your approved freeze and your right to access Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim facilities during the freeze will be suspended. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you will still be required to pay an Annual Fee (if it applies to your account), plus applicable taxes, as provided in your membership agreement, during your approved freeze so long as your membership is in effect. In the event your membership is prepaid, the term of the prepaid membership shall be extended, without further dues, for the same period of the freeze. Except for military freezes greater than 6 months or unspecified, your membership will be reactivated and your monthly EFT or credit card charge will automatically resume at the end of your freeze period.

Freeze Request Decisions: If your request does not conform to this Membership Freeze Policy, you will be notified that your request has been denied and your membership shall remain active unless canceled.


You are entitled to a 3 day “cooling off” period, meaning that if you notify Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim of your desire to cancel your membership within 3 days of your initial purchase, you will receive a full refund. Requests to cancel your membership must be emailed to YTFitness@swimjim.com

A request to cancel your Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim membership must be emailed (YTFitness@swimjim.com) no less than 30 business days before the cancellation is to become active. If less than 30 days, you may be billed one more time. If a cancellation request does not meet the required cancellation timeline and an additional month is charged, the member is not eligible for a refund. 



Members of Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim may bring a non-member and/or non-resident guest to use the facility under the following conditions:

  • Member must have an active membership with the facility
  • Member must have no outstanding balances on their account
  • Guests will be admitted for a fee of $25.00 per guest, per day
  • Guest fees must be paid in advance of the guest using the facility
  • Guests must register with the Front Desk before using the facility in any way
  • Members must accompany their guests when registering them with the Front Desk
  • All guests must sign a waiver form


Availability of Facilities: Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  facilities or services, including but not limited to, classes, equipment, saunas, or pool may have limited hours, be discontinued altogether at any time, or be offered on a “first come first serve” basis. Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  reserves the right to charge a separate participation or reservation fee for any pop-up group exercise classes or other amenities not available at the time of membership enrollment.  . Use of Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  facilities or services are authorized and limited pursuant to your membership agreement.

Conflicts Regarding Use:
Please don't linger on the equipment or in pool lanes because other members may want to use it. No member should monopolize pool lanes, the equipment or weights. If there is a sign-up list for the use of the equipment or pool lanes and a maximum time limit on its use then the directions for the use of the sign-up list are part of the Facility Rules and Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  expects all the members to follow them. In short, observe gym etiquette. If there is a conflict over use, let Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  management resolve it.

Sports Courts & Specialty Classes:
Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  has specific procedures and Rules and may charge you for the use of the additional spaces beyond the gym and pool and special classes. Please see the front desk or read the posted information for these activities.

Pool, Whirlpool, Sauna & Steam room:
Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim requests that you shower before using the pool or sauna.  The use of the pool, sauna and gym are at your risk. While using the pool, you cannot jump lanes, dive or engage in horseplay. Lap swimmers have priority over casual swimmers. You must also follow the specific Rules posted regarding the use of the pool and saunas.

Weights & Other Equipment:
There are specific Rules posted regarding the use of the weights and other equipment in Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim facility. As a courtesy, please replace the weights on the rack after you use them and wipe off any benches after your use.

No Solicitation:
Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  facilities are provided for the private use of residents/club members only and are not open to the public. Any solicitation within the facility is absolutely forbidden. This includes, for example: solicitation for profit, political purposes or any other reason; use of petitions; distributing or posting leaflets, notices or advertising anywhere in the facility; or leaving multiple copies of leaflets or other papers in the facility.


To join, all minors need the financial guarantee of a parent or guardian and the parent or guardian must sign the membership agreement.

Minors Under 14:
May not use Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim gym at any time and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times when on the pool deck or using the pool.  If the actions of a minor in the pool or on the pool deck is deemed inappropriate and/or unsafe, Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  may ask you to make other arrangements for your minor's fitness needs. Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  does not permit children over six years old of the opposite sex in the locker rooms.

Minors 15 - 17:
May use Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  facilities without being accompanied by a parent or guardian if the minor is a member of Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim. Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  reserves the right, in its discretion, to require that a parent or guardian accompany a minor at any time


Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  provides lockers for members to use only while working out in the gym. You should always use a lock to protect your property. Do not leave any valuable property in a locker at any time. Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  is not responsible for any theft of or damage to your property. If you leave a lock on a locker while you're not in the gym, Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  will consider your property abandoned and has the right to cut off the lock. If you leave your property, Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim   shall have the right to donate your property to charity.


No Alcohol, Drugs, or Smoking: You cannot engage in any activity at Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  does not permit smoking, alcohol, or illegal drugs, including steroids, in any of its facilities.

No Weapons:
No weapons of any kind are permitted in Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  facilities.

Taking photos or filming of others is not permitted without the prior knowledge and consent of Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim.  Under no circumstances is any photography or filming permitted within the locker room or sauna areas.

Food & Beverages:
 Yorkshire Towers Fitness  reserves the right to limit the consumption of food or beverages in workout areas.

Personal Training:
  No member/resident may train another member/resident for compensation without the prior knowledge of Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim. Members of Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim may bring in an outside personal trainer under the following conditions:

  • Member must have an active membership with the facility
  • Member must have no outstanding balances on their account
  • Members must email their Personal Trainer’s insurance information to YTFitness@swimjim.com
  • Personal Trainers will be admitted for a fee of $25.00 per client, per day
  • Trainer may only train one member per guest fee paid
  • Personal Trainers must register with the Front Desk before engaging in any type of training or using the facility in any way
  • Members/Clients must accompany their Personal Trainer when registering them with the Front Desk
  • Trainers must sign a waiver form

Outside Equipment:
Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit or restrict the use of outside equipment in the facility.


Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim requires you to wear appropriate clothing and footwear while in its facilities such as gym shorts, T-shirts (that cover your chest), undergarments or tights with all apparel, jogging, aerobic and sweat outfits, clothes that have not been torn or altered. Street clothes/shoes and jeans are not appropriate. Shower shoes and swimming suits are all right in the pool area, but cutoffs are not. Racquetball/basketball shoes are required on the courts. No street or black-soled shoes permitted. Being barefoot in the general workout area is prohibited. Yorkshire  Fitness by SwimJim recommends closed toed shoes be worn on the general workout floor at all times, and wearing open toed shoes or socks alone is at your own risk.


Carrying a workout towel is recommended. Please use the cleaning station supplies to wipe down equipment after use.


While in Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  facilities, Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim  does not permit and will not tolerate any inappropriate conduct. Such conduct includes, without limitation, using loud, abusive, offensive, insulting, demeaning language, profanity, lewd conduct or any conduct that harasses or is bothersome to members, guests or Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim employees.


A member’s violation of any of the Policies or Rules may also cause Yorkshire Towers Fitness by SwimJim , in its sole discretion, to terminate that person’s membership and/or other agreements.

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